4050+ Adventure Racing 
+ What leaders can learn from Adventure Racing 
+ Growth​ ​leaders​ ​are​ ​finding​ ​the​ ​answers​ ​in​ adventure​ ​training.
4050+ is a collective of dedicated athletes over the age of 40, athletes that not only do not give up, they are exceeding many of the younger competitors trough more intelligent training and Functional Nutrition with only the best foods and supplements available.

We are passionate about human potential. We believe that everyone has infinite potential for greatness and our vision is to help you unleash yours. Maximizing your potential is how we measure our success—when you win, we win. 4050+ method represents a worldwide collaboration of health and wellness professionals who are passionate advocates for preventive health maintenance. With 4050+ Endurance Athlete Masterminds we continually update our collective understanding of health science and provide invaluable guidance to both product formulations and the education of our associates.
4050+ Adventure Team
H Alberto Flores
Co-Founder of 4050+
Endurance​ ​athletes​ ​know​ how ​to​ ​push​ ​themselves​ ​to​ ​their​ ​max​ ​but​ ​to​ ​not​ ​overdo​ ​it​ ​or risk injury. Using​ ​restraint​ ​in​ ​a​ ​smart​ ​way​ ​helps​ ​them​ ​get​ ​it​ ​right. Growth Leaders use the concept of intelligent restraint to perform today and transform their business for tomorrow. 

30+ years of experience as an Entrepreneur and Endurance Athlete.

H Alberto Flores designed ​four​ intelligent​ restraint​ ​practices​ ​successful growth​ ​leaders​ ​use​ for long-term success, my mission is to create a positive impact on others. 


Ultra Endurance & Expedition Adventure Race Experience :

1989-1995 Mountain Bike Cross-Country Competitions in Mexico & USA
1997-1999 HI-TECH Adventure Race 
1999-2004 CAL-ECO Adventure Races

"​ The World's Most Challenging Human Endurance Competition "​

2002 | Colorado Rockies | 400+ miles
2004 | Pacific Northwest Islands | 400+ miles
2006 | Moab Utah | 400+ miles
2009 | South Dakota | 600+ miles
2015 | Lake Tahoe | 450+ miles
2016 | Ca. to AZ RTPHX500 | 500 miles
2017 | TransRockies Run Colorado | Ultra-Marathon
2018 | Untamed NE Expedition Race | 300+ miles
2019 | Pacific Ocean SUP Challenge | Team Leader
2023 | Surgery from injury
2024 | Journey to longevity with 4050+method
2025 | Planning a UCI Gravel and AR Worlds 
Amy Harper
Co-Founder of 4050+
My name is Amy Harper. I am a Certified International Yoga Therapist, meditation teacher, transformational and life/trauma transformation coach and hypnotherapist.

My Story
My life's path changed In August of 1997, I fractured my spine in several places in a water sport accident. It was a rough road of healing. It was uncertain in the beginning if I would walk again. 

My Physical Therapist recommended yoga to me to build my flexibility and strength. He Probably saw that I needed it for my mind and heart too. It wasn't easy for me in the beginning, I didn't really like yoga. It seemed boring, slow, and well, blah. I was stiff and those poses were uncomfortable. My mind was crazy busy and I couldn't shut it off. Something kept me going though. Soon I learned the magic of yoga and it took hold of me. So two years later, in 1999, I became a certified yoga instructor.  

Yes, life has thrown me some curve balls, a difficult childhood, divorce, loss of my brother and close friends, injuries, my beautiful challenging teenagers…

But through yoga, and self growth work, I was able to see the gift in these challenges. I was able to dig deep into some uncomfortable places and find my strengths. It put me on my path of continuing education and some deep soul searching. To grow and learn, to collect a wide variety of tools, and to not only heal myself, but to pass on what I have learned to others.

My tool box
My tool box consists of C-IAYT, E-RYT 500 hrs, certified Pilates instructor (BASI), certified yoga for teens, intuitive axiatonal/reiki (energy) healer, hypnotherapist, certified transformation life coach, and Past Life and Life between Lives regression practitioner. I also teach different meditation techniques for pain and stress management.

I've worked in yoga studios, drug rehabs, and the corporate world. Companies like Wet Seal and Johnson and Johnson. I work with physicians, physical and mental health therapists, and chiropractors. I've also worked with high school sport teams, professional athletes, Fortune 500 executives, and stressed out moms.

I'm blessed to have studied and followed some amazing people, teachers and gurus.

Thank you to Nancy Ruby, Amy Wheeler, Christine Fisher, Chris Hoff, T. Krishnamacharya, TKV Desikachar, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, Byron Katie, Brene Brown, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Kabit-Zinn and LIFE, Pieter Eilsen, Dolores Cannon (QHHT), Michael Newton
Influential asana teachers: Gary Kraftsow, Erich Schiffmann, Ana Forrest, Rod Stryker. attended workshops with luminaries in LA and Orange County, like Shiva Rea, John Friend, Judith Lasater, Seane Corne, Amy Weintraub, Leslie Kaminoff.
I work, play, and live in Orange County, California. You will find me here on my mountain bike or yoga mat, or hanging with my two kids and dog “Lucy.” These are my biggest teachers.  

I am blessed. I'm one of the lucky ones because I love what I do! With a heart full of gratitude…Amy

                                  What is your story, and why does it matter?
                                                    Because you matter! 

JR Sesteaga
Co-Founder of 4050+
Born in Mexico from a family of a School Teacher an a Produce merchant, raised in the middle of a Chinatown, JR was exposed to many exotic foods from a very early age, his father is to this day, an avid fruit lover always starting the day with a plate of fresh cut fruit, Mother was an extremely good Cook, always experimenting with new recipes from around the word and most of all, cooking with pleasure infusing happiness to everything she prepared.

JR was always curious with Nutrition, at age 14, he turned himself into Vegetarianism, at age 21 he went back to Flexitarian, always emphasizing on a big chunk of his diet to be Plant Based, while in College JR started jogging every day, 5 miles minimum, to keep school stress on check, after College, with a young Family to rise, stress began again and something had to be done, a new sport catched JR’s eye, Mountain Biking, after reading of the then new, California craze, JR went to a bike store in Yuma Arizona and got his first MTB, soon he was competing on every MTB event held near his home, with this competition the Nutrition Bug also bite, Pasta, Pasta, Pasta thill you say Basta! But always with plenty of greens…
Nutrition knowledge is a very dynamic subject, still, the basic remains, everyday there’s more evidence that a Plant Based or Flexitarian Diet, one that emphasizes more on Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, gives not only the Competitive Edge to any Athlete but also gives the more casual active individual, a much more quality of life.
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